
Toddler Time
Toddlers and carers welcome to Ridgeway for some fun and refreshments, every Wednesday from 9.30am - 11am.
Zoom Prayer Meeting
Wednesday evenings at 7.30pm we come together on Zoom for a prayer meeting. It's around 30 minutes and is an opportunity to pray for one another and other concerns in the community and the world. You are welcome to join us each week, please contact us via the contact page and we'll get back with a link.
Prayer & Fast
Thursdays, we dedicate to prayer and fasting throughout the day. Starting at 6am, 10am, 2pm and 6pm for 5 minutes. This can be about anything you feel God has put on your heart.

Youth Drop-In
Our Youth Drop-Ins are back, every 1st Saturday of the month at Ridgeway Evangelical Church. Drop the kids off for an afternoon of games, fun, friendship and snacks.
Table Tennis
On Monday's our more seasoned Church goers and riends come along from 10.30am for table tennis, friendship and free refreshments. A lively group who are keen to support one another and keep fit.
Bible Fellowship
10am on Tuesday mornings is a Bible fellowship at Ridgeway. A space to study the Word, ask questions and an opportunity to strengthen your walk with other believers. Free refreshments available also.